Rhine Maiden (horse)

Rhine Maiden
Sire Watercress
Grandsire Springfield
Dam Gold
Damsire Golden Garter
Sex Filly
Foaled 1912
Country United States
Colour Bay
Breeder James Ben Ali Haggin
Owner Edward F. Whitney
Trainer Frank Devers
Record Not found
Earnings Not found
Major wins

Ladies Handicap (1917)
Regret Handicap (1917)

American Classic Race wins:
Preakness Stakes (1915)
Horse (Equus ferus caballus)
Last updated on September 23, 2007

Rhine Maiden (1912–1923) was an American thoroughbred filly racehorse. She was sired by Prince of Wales Stakes winner, Watercress, out of the Golden Garter mare, Gold. Watercress was also the sire of Preakness Stakes winner, Watervale.

Rhine Maiden is best known as just the third filly to ever win the Preakness Stakes. She did it in a time of 1:58 with Douglas Hoffman aboard by 1½ lengths over Half Rock and Runes.

1915 was the year that the filly as Regret won the Kentucky Derby but did not challenge Rhine Maiden in the Preakness. Not since 1915 has more than one of the American Classic Races been won by a filly.

Rhine Maiden died in 1923.
